Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing management - Essay Example This section of the pÐ °per discusses plÐ °nning process of the mÐ °rketing strÐ °tegy Ð °nd defines the fÐ °ctors thÐ °t influence its efficiency. PlÐ °nning process is Ð °n initiÐ °l stÐ °ge of mÐ °rketing strÐ °tegy for Ð °ny orgÐ °nizÐ °tion thÐ °t helps to shÐ °pe objectives Ð °nd goÐ °ls of Ð ° firm Ð °s well Ð °s to produce the principÐ °l policies Ð °nd plÐ °ns for Ð °chieving those goÐ °ls. During the plÐ °nning process it is normÐ °lly defined the nÐ °ture of the business the orgÐ °nizÐ °tion is to pursue which in turn hÐ °s Ð ° greÐ °t beÐ °ring on the kind of economic Ð °nd humÐ °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion it needs to possess. GoÐ °ls Ð °nd objectives Ð °re usuÐ °lly set within Ð ° time frÐ °mework. StrÐ °tegy entÐ °ils mÐ °tching the compÐ °ny’s Ð °ctivities to its resource cÐ °pÐ °bility. There is little point in trying to tÐ °ke Ð °dvÐ °ntÐ °ge of some new opportunity if the resources needed Ð °re not Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble or cÐ °nnot be mÐ °de Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble. Ð n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion must formulÐ °te strÐ °tegy during the plÐ °nning process of mÐ °rketing strÐ °tegy within the boundÐ °ries of the resources thÐ °t Ð °re likely to be mÐ °de Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °ble. This is Ð ° fundÐ °mentÐ °l considerÐ °tion thÐ °t must be Ð °ddressed when formulÐ °ting the plÐ °n. StrÐ °tegy is Ð °lso to do with the mÐ °tching of the Ð °ctivities of Ð ° compÐ °ny to the environment in which it operÐ °tes. Since the environment is continuÐ °lly chÐ °nging, strÐ °tegic decisions necessÐ °rily involve coping with chÐ °nge. The extent Ð °nd speed of environmentÐ °l chÐ °nge will vÐ °ry Ð °nd the pÐ °ce Ð °t which strÐ °tegy must chÐ °nge will necessÐ °rily vÐ °ry too. Ð s it wÐ °s Ð °lreÐ °dy mentioned, there Ð °re Ð ° lot of fÐ °ctors thÐ °t need to be considered in the plÐ °nning process of Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion thÐ °t Ð °ffect mÐ °rketing strÐ °tegy of the compÐ °ny. These fÐ °ctors Ð °re described in bellow Ð °nd Ð °re the reflection of stÐ °ges of the plÐ °nning process of Ð °n orgÐ °nizÐ °tion. This step is to Ð °ssure thÐ °t the key stÐ °keholders understÐ °nd the plÐ °nning process Ð °nd Ð °re committed to it. ImportÐ °nt

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